Week 73: COVID

A week of coughing, sleeping badly, feeling sorry for myself, attempting to binge-watch TV, attempting to drink tea, good bonuses, and some coffee.

Posted on by Rowan Manning.
Tagged with HealthFoodWorkTV

  • Early weeknote this week, because nothing is gonna happen over the weekend.

  • Confirmed I have COVID via lat flow. I think I got flippant and assumed I wouldn’t have it bad. I was wrong. I don’t think I’ve been this ill since I was a small kid.

  • I could barely get out of bed on Monday and Tuesday, Wednesday was a little better but there was a lot of coughing. By Friday (today) I managed to get myself dressed by around lunchtime, big achievement!

  • I pushed down the slight guilt and didn’t force myself to do any work, which would definitely have slowed down my recovery. My brain is mashed potato anyway so I wouldn’t have been much use.

  • We’re not going to Manchester again, and this time just cancelled the trip outright because I think it’s just not meant to happen.

  • You know you’re really ill when a cup of tea isn’t nice and comforting. That’s the benchmark for me. Tea tastes like shit? Take the day off mate.

  • Another sign: when binge-watching TV isn’t even an option because your brain needs a good half hour rest time between episodes.

  • In more positive news, the annual bonuses at work this year were ridiculous. Wow. When you include the surprise one we had, I’m comfortably earning 6 figures which is just… bizarre? Sometimes I struggle to resolve what the market dictates tech salaries are vs nurses, for example. Donating some guilt money helps a little.

  • I’m currently having a dilemma about whether I want to be the kind of person who grinds their own coffee beans. Do I? Can I be bothered? As a person who drinks coffee with milk and sugar (and has no intention of changing this), will I notice any difference between freshly ground and month-old pre-ground coffee? Any recommendations for a manual grinder? I’ve had a tab open on the Timemore Chestnut C2 for months now.

  • I’ve held off the decision for the length of time it takes me to get through 1kg of coffee because I just bought some more of Spiller & Tait’s Pure Colombian Huila, which is delicious.

  • Writing this weeknote has exhausted me. I’m going back to bed, goodnight.