Week 43: Caring
I’m still very sad about Tootsie and probably will be for the foreseeable, thanks for all your kind words ❤️
We still need to settle the ridiculous vet bills that came with the end of his uninsurable illness 😬 very thankful that we have a healthcare system for humans at least.
Speaking of the healthcare system, Charlotte had a (routine) surgery this week. She’s fine but still mostly bed-ridden so a lot of my time is spent looking after her, which is quite nice so far tbh. The only place I’m useless is changing dressings – I’m really not very good with blood and/or wounds. My skin is crawling just thinking about it.
We’ve been watching a lot of TV which is all that’s really manageable for Charlotte. We binged the first season of Bones and are onto the second. We also started season 2 of The Circle, which is obviously excellent.
This whole thing has made us want to move all the sooner, I hate our current flat even more now that Toots isn’t in it. Things are still going at a snail’s pace with my flat purchase and I’m spending far too much time chasing both my solicitor and mortgage broker.
In the spare moments I do have, I’m very much getting back into D&D and have spent most of my free time doing some planning and worldbuilding for the couple of groups that I Dungeon Master for. It’s such nice escapism.
I’ve also been drawing a lot as part of this, mostly maps of nearby towns that my players are likely to visit. These aren’t as detailed as some of my older maps but I’m still pleased with them. You can click these for interactive versions:
The town of Brightsage The town of Toidric