Week 229: Two Point Museum

A week of fun hack days, writing PHP, sickness in the house, sickness in the family, building museums together, and new cat games.

Posted on by Rowan Manning.
Tagged with WorkHealthFamilyGamesKittens

  • Customer Products Day at work this week, it was really fun and in a completely different format. We had a day-long hack day and I had a great time working with some people who I wouldn’t normally have chance to. I also got to write some PHP for the first time in years and I’d forgotten less than I expected.

  • Charlotte’s sick again with something that seems like flu or COVID, she can’t catch a break this year! I’ve managed to avoid so far and have been forcing meds and vitamin C on her. It’s been a lazy weekend as a result.

  • My grandma’s in hospital which is worrying, but glad she’s getting the care she needs. Hopefully nothing too serious but a bit of a struggle breathing and carpal tunnel mean she’s not up to doing much by herself. Intending on visiting ASAP and trying not to stress about it.

  • With Charlotte sick we bought Two Point Museum which is really fun, a nice twist on a familiar format. We’ve been playing sporadically between naps.

  • The lads have been enjoying us both being here, we’ve invented a few new games (treat-based of course). One is putting treats under upturned plastic cups, they’ve kind of worked out how to consistently tip them over and we may regret this. The other is easier - put treats in cereal boxes and watch them hurl themselves at the very narrow boxes to get in.

    A cat half inside a cereal box, rooting around for treats