Week 228: Old Dirty Brasstards

A week of excellent pancakes, brass bands playing pop-punk, being a chauffeur, great new team members, and doing work I don't much care for.

Posted on by Rowan Manning.
Tagged with FoodMusicWork

  • Pancake day this week! We invited Alison round and I made far too many pancakes but they were excellent. Pizza pancakes (oregano-marinated tomatoes, cheese, crispy bacon) were the best.

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    On Friday we went to see the Old Dirty Brasstards do pop-punk. It was excellent, just a big singalong and they covered most of the greats. I’d definitely go and see them again, maybe 00s hits next time 👀

  • It turns out Charlotte had never been picked up from an event by a boyfriend which meant me driving to pick her up from a wedding on Saturday was a big exciting event. We got a McDonalds drive through on the way home. It was weird and nostalgic being able to do this now we have access to a car; it was fun despite the entire 40-minute journey being in 20mph zones.

  • At work, our new product manager (Lee) joined properly this week and it’s been excellent already. Our previous PMs were good, though they started fresh at the company – it shouldn’t surprise me how much more organised and smooth things can be when a new team member already knows how the business works. He’s already succeeded in making me interested in some SEO work instead of slightly dreading how we manage all the stakeholders.

  • Also at work, I’m having to suck up helping our teams navigate a revised incident review process despite believing that it didn’t need to change. Silver lining: I get to practice giving difficult in-person feedback and at least I get to prove that I can get on with work I disagree with, pretty uncommon for my team 😂