Week 228: Old Dirty Brasstards
Pancake day this week! We invited Alison round and I made far too many pancakes but they were excellent. Pizza pancakes (oregano-marinated tomatoes, cheese, crispy bacon) were the best.
On Friday we went to see the Old Dirty Brasstards do pop-punk. It was excellent, just a big singalong and they covered most of the greats. I’d definitely go and see them again, maybe 00s hits next time 👀
It turns out Charlotte had never been picked up from an event by a boyfriend which meant me driving to pick her up from a wedding on Saturday was a big exciting event. We got a McDonalds drive through on the way home. It was weird and nostalgic being able to do this now we have access to a car; it was fun despite the entire 40-minute journey being in 20mph zones.
At work, our new product manager (Lee) joined properly this week and it’s been excellent already. Our previous PMs were good, though they started fresh at the company – it shouldn’t surprise me how much more organised and smooth things can be when a new team member already knows how the business works. He’s already succeeded in making me interested in some SEO work instead of slightly dreading how we manage all the stakeholders.
Also at work, I’m having to suck up helping our teams navigate a revised incident review process despite believing that it didn’t need to change. Silver lining: I get to practice giving difficult in-person feedback and at least I get to prove that I can get on with work I disagree with, pretty uncommon for my team 😂