Week 217: Growing Lads

A week of mending injuries, Christmas shopping, Kitten birthdays, Christmas trees, emergency vet visits, and many hours of Factorio.

Posted on by Rowan Manning.
Tagged with ChristmasKittensHealthGamesFactorio

  • My ankle is finally on the mend and I’m getting around without a crutch, albeit slowly. I managed to get some Christmas shopping done and it’s been great to be in less pain.

  • Two cute black cats sat next to a Christmas tree

    The 19th was Tom Barnaby and Douglas Fir’s first birthday! We celebrated with a few drinks and made them cat-friendly tuna pizzas. They’re spoiled lads. They’re technically adults now!

    They’ve also been enjoying terrorizing our baubles.

  • Tom Barnaby spent Sunday being sick. A lot! It was quite worrying and we ended up forking out for an emergency vet. He was given some anti-sickness meds and has been improving since but it was a worry for a while.

  • Just continuous drains on our festivity eh?

  • I’m at 250 hours of Factorio since Space Age released in August 😅 at least half of that has been December but hey it’s Christmas, and I’ve been a bit house-bound.