Week 207: Wonderful World

A week of multiple meals out, multiple drinks, fun new board games, parental birthdays, great vegan food, the winter video game season, cuddly kittens, and enjoying fantasy.

Posted on by Rowan Manning.
Tagged with FoodGamesFamilyBoard GamesKittensTV

  • Euan’s back in the country for a couple of weeks so we’ve been extra social. We went for curry on one evening and then drinks on another, nice to have him back for a bit. I’m very tired, these weeknotes won’t be detailed.

  • It’s a Wonderful World is a really nice board game, we tried it out this week and I’m a fan. Quite a few nice mechanics and fairly easy to grasp, also with four rounds it was really fast.

  • An array of different vegan croquettes and dumplings, looking delicious

    It was mum’s birthday this week. Over the weekend I took her and my sister to Mallow (my sister is vegan and my mum is mostly). Once again the tasting menu was excellent, however it’s just too much food. I need to remember this for next time and just order from the regular menu.

  • We had cocktails again at J&C’s, mostly focused on Whisky-based ones. Riley (cat) was very friendly and chill.

  • Charlotte’s wanted me to play The Witcher 3 for ages so she can watch. I’ve been avoiding it because it seems like an awful lot of game to commit to. Cut to a few hours after starting and we’re doing all the side missions 😂 it’s quite fun, though I still doubt that I have the energy for this level of depth. There are so many systems and upgrades and modifiers and things to keep track of 💤

  • It’s been getting colder and so our two lads are especially cuddly. They want to be on top of us all the time and I’m not anti this at all.

  • This week I started The Rings of Power, I ignored it until now because of poor reviews (did I read them online or did someone I know not rate it?). I’m actually really enjoying it, enough that I finished season 1 in about two days and am having to ration season 2. I need to remember that my bar for fantasy is probably lower than some people and I’ll enjoy most things at least a bit.