Week 200: Cognac

A week of arbitrary milestones, obsessive gaming, fun quiz nights, making cocktails, eating lots, drinking lots, pissy beds, and bad cat owners.

Posted on by Rowan Manning.
Tagged with WritingFoodKittensGames

  • Here we are at another arbitrary milestone, 200 weeknotes 🚀 I’ve written nearly 72,000 words of them so far. That’s roughly the same as Treasure Island. Feel free to spend ~7 hours reading them all.

  • It wasn’t a very eventful week really. I thought it wasn’t eventful but, after writing all the stuff we did, it was quite busy!

  • I’ve been playing Shapez 2 quite obsessively, it’s in early release at the moment but it’s really polished and such a fun factory builder.

  • On Thursday we went to Not Another Quiz Night with Tammy and Marcus which was a lot of fun. I think we came 5th out of 25+ teams 👏 we went to Grasso in Soho before and tbh I wouldn’t bother again, pretty underwhelming considering the price.

  • On Friday we popped over to J&C’s for cocktails. Due to hand injuries and general laziness I made all the cocktails and thoroughly enjoyed it. The aim was to try and find uses for the Cognac in the cupboard, turns out there are plenty of great ones: Ampersands are delicious, Burnt Fuselages are delicious, Sidecars are delicious, and Landing Gears are delicious.

  • On Saturday we had a fry up in Cafe Donatella and then lazed around a lot.

  • Douglas Fir pissed on the bed again. At least the duvet fits in the washing machine. It’s our fault, we left the litter trays a few days longer and they didn’t smell good; bad cat owners. We’ve resolved to be better, not just because pissy beds are a pain.

  • A rum cocktail with a rice paper hot air balloon floating on top

    On Sunday Charlotte and I went to Searcys because we had a gift voucher. We went for bottomless champagne and a roast, we managed a bottle each which is reasonable. Then we met Luke in Mr Fogg’s for cocktails; we bumped into another FT person, small world eh? We went to a few other bars and I fell asleep in my clothes 👍 this is what bank holidays are for right?

  • We don’t talk about Monday.