Week 197: No Plans Week

A week of spontaneity, food with friends, more food with friends, interesting talks, orchestras, long sunny walks, more food with friends, beating a dragon, and some new TV.

Posted on by Rowan Manning.
Tagged with FoodWalkingMinecraftTV

  • We were full into No Plans Week this week, it was quite busy but not too busy and was nice to be spontaneous.

  • On Monday we went and got food with Korn who was visiting London with his partner and a friend. We got tacos and caught up after quite a few years.

  • A view from high up in the Royal Opera House, London. Bright lights are sparkling across the ceiling and you can see the orchestra pit empty during the interval

    On Friday we headed into Soho to get ramen with Nikita who’s visiting London, was lovely to catch up. Then Charlotte, Luke and I went to the Royal Opera House to hear Brian Cox talk with an orchestra accompaniment, it was interesting and lovely.

  • On Saturday we met up with Luke and Gallal again and walked from London Bridge to the Thames Barrier along the Thames Path. It was a good day for walking - not quite as scorching as it has been lately. We stopped off in a few pubs en route and then got food in Woolwich as a reward. We saw the Gravel Works again 👍

  • Sunday was quite relaxed but we did go meet up with Alison who’s visiting London. We ate pasta and drank wine. Officina 00 near Old Street is probably some of the best pasta I’ve eaten in London, I highly recommend it.

  • During bits of downtime, I’ve been playing Minecraft again on our server. Luke and I beat the dragon one evening and I’m managing not to spend so much time on there that I burn out.

  • I picked up watching Mr & Mrs Smith expecting something fairly mindless and easy. It’s really good! Less of a spy thriller and more of a focus on two people’s relationship, I’m enjoying it a lot.