Week 194: Pissy Lads

A week of building cities, reading about rebirth, free music, house parties, sambuca, wet beds, cats in the bath, and a family day in the park.

Posted on by Rowan Manning.
Tagged with GamesBooksKittensFamilyChampagne

  • I picked up Cities: Skylines II again this week and played a little bit in the evenings. The latest patches have made the game feel a lot more polished and I’m enjoying noodling about in my new cities.

  • Still not getting anywhere near my holiday reading speed, I picked up The First Fifteen Lives of Harry August by Claire North. I’m 75% of the way through and loving it so far; It follows a man who, whenever he dies, returns to his birth with his full memory. It’s been good adding several women in Science Fiction to the list of authors I like: I noticed I kept picking up stuff written by men because it’s what kept getting recommended.

  • On Friday we went to listen to Sean Paul from Finsbury Park and drank some champagne on a bench. The sound wasn’t great but then I suppose they don’t optimise for “people sat way behind the wall trying to get some free music”. Then we headed to a party nearby, met lots of people, and drank Sambuca.

  • When we got home we found that the cats had pissed on the bed and shat on the sofa. We’ll chat to a vet but normally this’d be a sign of anxiety at their age. I think we’ve increased the time they’re by themselves a bit too quickly and will readjust to spending shorter times with nobody in the flat. Poor pissy lads.

  • Two black cats sitting in the bath, looking up at the camera with yellow eyes

    They’re doing a cute thing at the moment where they love being in the bath. If I shower then they’ll rush in afterwards and sit in the wet bath very still until the motion-activated light turns off. They don’t seem to mind being damp.

  • On Sunday I popped up to see my extended family to celebrate my grandma’s birthday in a park. As usual, it was nice to see everyone, however, these large group things mean I barely feel like I caught up with anyone. I was originally going to hire a car and drive up but, embarrassingly, I booked it for the wrong weekend. I only found this out after the person at the car hire place spent 15 minutes trying to find my booking 🤦