Week 192: Seaford

A week of seeing lion cubs, watching armadillos, long walks along the coast, finishing books, and various migrations.

Posted on by Rowan Manning.
Tagged with TVWalkingBooksWorkSide Projects

  • Short weeknote, I cba to add a lot of detail because I’m trying to watch We Are Lady Parts at the same time.

  • Two small lion cubs playing with their mum

    We went to Zoo Nights at London Zoo, it was a gift from Charlotte’s mum and it was nice! It’s a lot less busy and chilled. We saw lion cubs. We watched armadillos run after a keeper with a pot of crickets.

  • On Sunday we walked from Seaford to Eastbourne along the seven sisters. It was perfect weather. We had to take our shoes off to cross a river.

  • I finished The Left Hand of Darkness and really loved it by the end. I struggled a little with the first half but binged the second half in no time at all. I picked up Station 11 by Emily St. John Mandel and it’s a delight to be back in a nice comforting little dystopia.

  • I spent a bit of time (on personal projects and at work) migrating things to use TypeScript 5.5. It was boring. Migrating to Node.js native test runner was less boring, getting rid of some dependencies.