Week 151: Priorities

A week of many incidents, onboarding engineers, preparing for Japan, eating lots of average tacos, family visits, board games, and friends.

Posted on by Rowan Manning.
Tagged with WorkHolidayFoodFamilyGamesBoard Games

  • Oof a lot of incidents this week! Tiring but I think I’m good at making calls with this stuff and I don’t really get stressed about them. “Nobody dies if the FT goes down” is my mantra. One of the issues was a pretty nasty XSS attack which was quite a fun one to fix.

  • We were also onboarding an engineer who’s bootcamping with our team. By the end of week one he’s contributed a decent amount and got a good taste of all the different work our team does 💪

  • Four days to go before some time off 🎉 I’ll be writing weeknotes from Tokyo this time next week!

  • On Friday we visited Tammy and Marcus and ordered almost every item from the Taco menu to share and rate. Turns out the tacos are the worst bit? It was a fun evening, we played Priorities which is quite a fun party game, I might buy a copy.

  • Because we’re away quite a lot over the next few months, we’ve been doing family visits. On Saturday we went to see Charlotte’s nephew who’s 3 months old now, he’s very chill and very cute.

  • On Sunday my mum and brother popped over and we spent the whole day together. Lots of chatting, lots of eating, and a couple of games. It was lovely.

  • Later on Jenn came over and then refused to leave, which is why I’m writing these at 22:30. Rude 💛