Week 119: Ginny

A week of HR drinks, prepping for wardrobes, getting rid of junk, sibling road trips, very cute Bearded Collies, and reconnecting with my dad's family.

Posted on by Rowan Manning.
Tagged with FamilyHouse

  • Earlier in the week we went out for drinks with Paula who works in HR at the FT. I managed to not make an idiot of myself in front of all the HR folks 👍 is this progress? I mostly stick to shandy nowadays which means I can drink at a normal pace and not embarrass myself, I like this new me.

  • To prep for the new wardrobes arriving we’re having to dismantle the old ones and have all our clothes and things in piles around the flat. It feels very messy. On a positive note, I reinstalled Olio and have been getting rid of loads of stuff we don’t need again. It’s such a great app!

  • The week was generally quiet because I didn’t want to get COVID (which has been spiking in the office). I miss office chats and my walks to and from after just a week

  • A fluffy Bearded Collie named Alfie sitting like a good boy

    The weekend was amazing but also emotionally and physically exhausting! My sister and I went on a little road trip up to Melton Mowbray (incidentally where I was born) to visit our aunt Ginny. We haven’t seen her since my dad’s funeral (17 years ago!!) and we recently regained contact.

    It was so lovely, not awkward in the slightest, and we just spent a solid couple of days chatting about everything. She has a very cute dog named Alfie ❤️ and she’s just very cool – she’s 80 now and still doing things like cycling the coast-to-coast route and paragliding on a whim while she’s on holiday. She’s also pleasantly progressive so I needn’t have worried about things like “what if she’s racist old tory?”.

    Ginny also really helped fill in a bunch of family tree stuff. Everything later than 1920ish is more difficult because the census results aren’t public and chatting to living relatives is by far the easiest way to fill out more information!

    Anyway, I’m exhausted but happy.