Content With Tag “Work”

Listing 104 pieces of content with the “Work” Tag.

  1. Week 7: Culinary Genius

    A week of truffle oil, Christmas gin tasting, tasting menus, and trousers that no longer fit. Read Week 7: Culinary Genius.

  2. Week 6: Pointy Tree

    A Christmas tree, half of the height of it is above the topmost branches, it's very pointy

    A week of spare-time coding, some good reading, an increasingly boozy Christmas cake, and our exceptionally pointy tree Read Week 6: Pointy Tree.

  3. Week 5: Aldovia

    Tootsie laying in his new favourite cardboard box. He's a black and white cat, with a very distinctive moustache. A discarded toy mouse is laying beside him

    A week of useful feedback, a new (and nearly finished) RSS reader, three research trips to Aldovia, and a box-obsessed cat. Read Week 5: Aldovia.

  4. Week 3: Production Issue

    A week of being more technical at work, fun treasure hunts across London, and opening a book for a change. Read Week 3: Production Issue.