Content With Tag “Work”

Listing 129 pieces of content with the “Work” Tag.

  1. Week 230: Beanz

    Six bowls of baked beans, all slightly different colours, looking very unappetising

    A week of shandies in the sun, client-side metrics, sick grandmas, hospital visits, cancelled plans, a lot of DIY, and far too many baked beans. Read Week 230: Beanz.

  2. Week 229: Two Point Museum

    A cat half inside a cereal box, rooting around for treats

    A week of fun hack days, writing PHP, sickness in the house, sickness in the family, building museums together, and new cat games. Read Week 229: Two Point Museum.

  3. Week 228: Old Dirty Brasstards

    TODO: alt text goes here

    A week of excellent pancakes, brass bands playing pop-punk, being a chauffeur, great new team members, and doing work I don't much care for. Read Week 228: Old Dirty Brasstards.

  4. Week 227: Astro Bot

    A week of excellent videogames, collecting stuff, impromptu jägerbomb crawls, wine pairings, work productivity, unionising, and Mr. Worldwide. Read Week 227: Astro Bot.

  5. Year 4: Lads

    A full year of weeknotes represented as a grid of thumbnails

    A year of two very sweet kittens, getting my reading ability back, still writing weeknotes, plans for my health, and thinking about the future of my work. Read Year 4: Lads.

  6. Week 224: Galaxy of Fame

    A week of small teams, getting things done, completing Factorio, proper pub trips, wholesome weekends, interesting talks, good food, and cozy TV Read Week 224: Galaxy of Fame.

  7. Week 223: Harry Styles

    Two pairs of yellow cat eyes glaring from a basket that's too small for them

    A week of feeling less grumpy, a lack of yearnotes, interesting work, disappointing lights, strangers, short walks, many cocktails, and some angry lads. Read Week 223: Harry Styles.

  8. Week 221: Space Goonies

    A week of continued sickness, gentle work, catching up on TV, Goonies in Space, betrayals, housewarmings, and being by myself. Read Week 221: Space Goonies.

  9. Week 220: Uncovered Coughing

    A map view of a large grid of factory components in Factorio

    A week of office trips, nasty coughs, cancelled plans, and large Factorio builds. Read Week 220: Uncovered Coughing.

  10. Week 219: January Dread

    Large waves crashing around the West Pier in Brighton

    A week of new years, little parties, stormy seas, years of weeknotes, being back at work, terrible escape rooms, and fairground games. Read Week 219: January Dread.

  11. Week 215: Hot Frosty

    A week of leaving drinks, heading into Christmas, great new Christmas films, escape rooms, Christmas pizza, and bad ankles. Read Week 215: Hot Frosty.

  12. Week 212: Sherborne

    Two small black cats sat on a pink chair together

    A week of fun new board games, well-behaved lads, short work weeks, weekends in the countryside, and baked goods. Read Week 212: Sherborne.

  13. Week 211: Jane McDonald

    Jane McDonald on stage in Brighton

    A week of election coverage, long-standing bugs, wholesome weekend days, fridge adjustments, concerts in Brighton, and trying to curb my current obsession. Read Week 211: Jane McDonald.

  14. Week 210: Vitamin D

    Riley pulling himself up on the edge of the balcony to watch some fireworks.

    A week of surprise meeetings, leaving drinks, commiseratory drinks, after-work drinks, balcony drinks, housewarming drinks, dosing myself up, and a new board game. Read Week 210: Vitamin D.

  15. Week 208: 100MB

    A week of many board games, vietnamese food, stand up comedy, an imminent game release, lazy holidays, and saving some space. Read Week 208: 100MB.

  16. Week 206: Eve

    Tom Barnaby walking along the top of a tall wall, contemplating how he's gonna get down

    A week of slow work, pub crawls, pub quizzes, dinners and drinks, fantastic cocktails, reading good sci-fi, new board games, and an adventurous cat. Read Week 206: Eve.

  17. Week 199: Great Malvern

    A sunny view across the ridge of the Malvern hills, looking out towards Worcestershire beacon - a large hill in the distance

    A week of long walks, tea rooms, cheap pints, short work weeks, double party days, insurance, choosing paint samples, and finishing several books. Read Week 199: Great Malvern.

  18. Week 198: Drying

    One cat sat up high on the frame of an open window. Another cat dangles helplessly by his front paws, unable to pull himself up

    A week of laziness, replacing old systems, building insurance, industrial dryers, innovative kittens, trash TV, and a trip to the countryside. Read Week 198: Drying.

  19. Week 196: Oil Tanker

    A week of multiple hangovers, birthday drinks, having no plans, writing open source code, and steering slow boats. Read Week 196: Oil Tanker.

  20. Week 195: Pineapple

    Several tall conveyor belts lit up in the night, delivering stone and gravel to different parts of the site

    A week of pineapple-themed cocktails, cookies in South Kensington, infrastructure, sunny parks, parties, BBQs, gravel works, and perfume. Read Week 195: Pineapple.