Content With Tag “Kittens”

Listing 28 pieces of content with the “Kittens” Tag.

  1. Week 229: Two Point Museum

    A cat half inside a cereal box, rooting around for treats

    A week of fun hack days, writing PHP, sickness in the house, sickness in the family, building museums together, and new cat games. Read Week 229: Two Point Museum.

  2. Year 4: Lads

    A full year of weeknotes represented as a grid of thumbnails

    A year of two very sweet kittens, getting my reading ability back, still writing weeknotes, plans for my health, and thinking about the future of my work. Read Year 4: Lads.

  3. Week 223: Harry Styles

    Two pairs of yellow cat eyes glaring from a basket that's too small for them

    A week of feeling less grumpy, a lack of yearnotes, interesting work, disappointing lights, strangers, short walks, many cocktails, and some angry lads. Read Week 223: Harry Styles.

  4. Week 218: Tinsel Eating

    A week of many obligations, lots of cooking, cats being a pain, tinsel consumption, driving around, and being ready for a proper rest. Read Week 218: Tinsel Eating.

  5. Week 217: Growing Lads

    Two cute black cats sat next to a Christmas tree

    A week of mending injuries, Christmas shopping, Kitten birthdays, Christmas trees, emergency vet visits, and many hours of Factorio. Read Week 217: Growing Lads.

  6. Week 213: Stairs

    Two small black cats lounging on the stairs, plotting to trip up an elderly woman

    A week of grandparent visits, kittens in a car, leaving drinks, another leak, showering in the dark, gigs with family, holograms, roast dinners, and mormon wives. Read Week 213: Stairs.

  7. Week 212: Sherborne

    Two small black cats sat on a pink chair together

    A week of fun new board games, well-behaved lads, short work weeks, weekends in the countryside, and baked goods. Read Week 212: Sherborne.

  8. Week 211: Jane McDonald

    Jane McDonald on stage in Brighton

    A week of election coverage, long-standing bugs, wholesome weekend days, fridge adjustments, concerts in Brighton, and trying to curb my current obsession. Read Week 211: Jane McDonald.

  9. Week 207: Wonderful World

    An array of different vegan croquettes and dumplings, looking delicious

    A week of multiple meals out, multiple drinks, fun new board games, parental birthdays, great vegan food, the winter video game season, cuddly kittens, and enjoying fantasy. Read Week 207: Wonderful World.

  10. Week 205: The Tarn

    A view of the church and several houses in Lincou, pictured from the river

    A week of river living, quaint little villages, excellent food, kayaking, big bridges, dinosaurs, cuddly kittens, and an exciting new leak. Read Week 205: The Tarn.

  11. Week 204: Lincou

    A view down a dirt track weaving between hills, with part of a French château in the foreground

    A week of meeting cat sitters, time in Toulouse, excellent brunches, long drives on the right, cheese diets, and overdoing it on the wine. Read Week 204: Lincou.

  12. Week 202: Ramlets

    A black cat staring at a large patch of painted wall in a light pink that's reminiscent of the main Financial Times branch colour

    A week of painted walls, stain removal, bonus paint, new rugs, work reminders, winning Wingspan, making Ramen Omelettes, and silly musicals. Read Week 202: Ramlets.

  13. Week 200: Cognac

    A rum cocktail with a rice paper hot air balloon floating on top

    A week of arbitrary milestones, obsessive gaming, fun quiz nights, making cocktails, eating lots, drinking lots, pissy beds, and bad cat owners. Read Week 200: Cognac.

  14. Week 198: Drying

    One cat sat up high on the frame of an open window. Another cat dangles helplessly by his front paws, unable to pull himself up

    A week of laziness, replacing old systems, building insurance, industrial dryers, innovative kittens, trash TV, and a trip to the countryside. Read Week 198: Drying.

  15. Week 194: Pissy Lads

    Two black cats sitting in the bath, looking up at the camera with yellow eyes

    A week of building cities, reading about rebirth, free music, house parties, sambuca, wet beds, cats in the bath, and a family day in the park. Read Week 194: Pissy Lads.

  16. Week 193: Election

    A table slowly filling with empty glasses at 7 am, post-election

    A week of landslides, visiting sisters, Minecraft RPGs, all-nighters, morning shots, fictional pandemics, and reusable workflows. Read Week 193: Election.

  17. Week 190: Lads' Weekend

    Douglas Fir, a small black kitten, looking out of an open window

    A week of post-holiday quietness, photos of the cats, exploring outdoors, working with OpenTelemetry, a solo weekend, Yemeni food, and a couple of new books. Read Week 190: Lads' Weekend.

  18. Week 189: Dark Water

    Us sat in the sea drinking prosecco

    A week of relaxing by the pool, swim-up bars, super hot temperatures, injuries, swimming in the sea, lots of reading, and reuniting with the lads. Read Week 189: Dark Water.

  19. Week 188: Beaching Off

    Two small black cats cuddling up to me on the bed

    A week of holiday shopping, hanging out with friends, lots of pairing, dependency bumps, cuddly lads, cat-sitters, and a flight to sunny Türkiye. Read Week 188: Beaching Off.

  20. Week 187: New Menu

    Douglas Fir, a small black and brown kitten, stood just outside the front door of our flat, looking wary

    A week of solo vet trips, catching up in pubs, expensive pints, outdoor cats, pitchers, Jägerbombs, bouncy castles, and good reads. Read Week 187: New Menu.