Week 201: Travel Budget
A week of lazing in the bed, in-person boardgames, various family visits, a fun wedding, minimal working, travel spreadsheets, and cats pushing things over. Read Week 201: Travel Budget.
Listing 70 pieces of content with the “Games” Tag.
A week of lazing in the bed, in-person boardgames, various family visits, a fun wedding, minimal working, travel spreadsheets, and cats pushing things over. Read Week 201: Travel Budget.
A week of arbitrary milestones, obsessive gaming, fun quiz nights, making cocktails, eating lots, drinking lots, pissy beds, and bad cat owners. Read Week 200: Cognac.
A week of building cities, reading about rebirth, free music, house parties, sambuca, wet beds, cats in the bath, and a family day in the park. Read Week 194: Pissy Lads.
A week of landslides, visiting sisters, Minecraft RPGs, all-nighters, morning shots, fictional pandemics, and reusable workflows. Read Week 193: Election.
A week of tracking down bugs, availability metrics, far-too-large conferences, showering in the light, udon, shopping trips, co-op video games, and walks in bluebell woods. Read Week 183: Bluebells.
A week of party games, shouting at colleagues, cute visitors, future kittens, leaving drinks, many shandies, karaoke, and a couple of nice meals with friends. Read Week 174: Rocky.
A week of kitten news, excellent name choices, pancakes, cider, heart-shaped potatoes, trips to Leeds, winning boardgames, ChatGPT experimentation, and deepfakes. Read Week 173: Batata Harra.
A week of burst pipes, fizzing light fittings, trips to Brighton, mini-golf, rollercoasters, good food, magic incantations, and being unimpressed with LLMs so far. Read Week 172: Fizzy Lights.
A week of phone calls, many family visits, a leaking light fitting, incredible choux buns, leaving drinks, pretend Guinness, 36th birthdays, and website admin. Read Week 170: Choux.
A week of plugholes, cinema sofas, achy elbows, flailing about in our living room, power cuts, shopping, cold weather, and a lack of pub. Read Week 168: Saltburn.
A week of new years, being back at work, AI anti-hype, garden walks, being rained on, actors, skylines, a lack of TV, and a complete crossword. Read Week 167: Cryptic.
A week of Christmas dinners, multiple spreadsheets, selection box ratings, sickness, lots of driving, canceled plans, innocent Grandmas, Brighton hotels, and a restful few days. Read Week 166: Glory Hole.
A week of Christmas parties, festive films, lots of board games, Spanish food, wine, wings, and custom tooling. Read Week 164: Die Hard.
A week of delayed yearnotes, winning board games, friends, lots of champagne, cancelled plans, Tom Barnaby, tragic fires, and an atmospheric waste of time. Read Week 161: Ghost Train.
A week of many incidents, onboarding engineers, preparing for Japan, eating lots of average tacos, family visits, board games, and friends. Read Week 151: Priorities.
A week of family visits, video games, talks about wine, long drives, great lunches, picturesque towns, long walks, and soaking in a hot tub. Read Week 147: Aberaeron.
A week of broken feed readers, strategic quacks, drawing on post-it notes, learning Terraform, automating my GitHub, and some chilled cocktails. Read Week 143: Terraforming.
A week of in-person boardgames, tiredness, 90th birthday parties, hoards of family, toilet boasting, and bonding over Minecraft. Read Week 142: Downstairs Toilet.
A week of milestones, niche memes, not enjoying blood tests, poo scraping, debugging Minecraft servers, the coming software apocalypse, and a sunny trip to Leeds. Read Week 137: Slabbering Baby.
A week of smashing it at work, smashing it at board games, smashing it at server admin, and trying to get a handle on my health. Read Week 136: This Land.