Week 225: Anonymous

A week of cooking heart-shaped food, rescuing cute robots, new subscription services, a request for recommendations, Q&A, US Politics, and replacing batteries in things that you're not supposed to. Read Week 225: Anonymous.
Listing 85 pieces of content with the “Games” Tag.
A week of cooking heart-shaped food, rescuing cute robots, new subscription services, a request for recommendations, Q&A, US Politics, and replacing batteries in things that you're not supposed to. Read Week 225: Anonymous.
A week of small teams, getting things done, completing Factorio, proper pub trips, wholesome weekends, interesting talks, good food, and cozy TV Read Week 224: Galaxy of Fame.
A week of continued sickness, gentle work, catching up on TV, Goonies in Space, betrayals, housewarmings, and being by myself. Read Week 221: Space Goonies.
A week of office trips, nasty coughs, cancelled plans, and large Factorio builds. Read Week 220: Uncovered Coughing.
A week of new years, little parties, stormy seas, years of weeknotes, being back at work, terrible escape rooms, and fairground games. Read Week 219: January Dread.
A week of mending injuries, Christmas shopping, Kitten birthdays, Christmas trees, emergency vet visits, and many hours of Factorio. Read Week 217: Growing Lads.
A week of not being a millionaire, accidental working, more Factorio, long flat walks, fun co-op games, cult building, and exhausting shopping trips. Read Week 214: Cult of the Lamb.
A week of fun new board games, well-behaved lads, short work weeks, weekends in the countryside, and baked goods. Read Week 212: Sherborne.
A week of election coverage, long-standing bugs, wholesome weekend days, fridge adjustments, concerts in Brighton, and trying to curb my current obsession. Read Week 211: Jane McDonald.
A week of surprise meeetings, leaving drinks, commiseratory drinks, after-work drinks, balcony drinks, housewarming drinks, dosing myself up, and a new board game. Read Week 210: Vitamin D.
A week of long hours in the factory, other planets, new Whitechapel friends, building furniture, comedy with friends, and belligerent squirrels. Read Week 209: Space Age.
A week of many board games, vietnamese food, stand up comedy, an imminent game release, lazy holidays, and saving some space. Read Week 208: 100MB.
A week of multiple meals out, multiple drinks, fun new board games, parental birthdays, great vegan food, the winter video game season, cuddly kittens, and enjoying fantasy. Read Week 207: Wonderful World.
A week of slow work, pub crawls, pub quizzes, dinners and drinks, fantastic cocktails, reading good sci-fi, new board games, and an adventurous cat. Read Week 206: Eve.
A week of painted walls, stain removal, bonus paint, new rugs, work reminders, winning Wingspan, making Ramen Omelettes, and silly musicals. Read Week 202: Ramlets.
A week of lazing in the bed, in-person boardgames, various family visits, a fun wedding, minimal working, travel spreadsheets, and cats pushing things over. Read Week 201: Travel Budget.
A week of arbitrary milestones, obsessive gaming, fun quiz nights, making cocktails, eating lots, drinking lots, pissy beds, and bad cat owners. Read Week 200: Cognac.
A week of building cities, reading about rebirth, free music, house parties, sambuca, wet beds, cats in the bath, and a family day in the park. Read Week 194: Pissy Lads.
A week of landslides, visiting sisters, Minecraft RPGs, all-nighters, morning shots, fictional pandemics, and reusable workflows. Read Week 193: Election.
A week of tracking down bugs, availability metrics, far-too-large conferences, showering in the light, udon, shopping trips, co-op video games, and walks in bluebell woods. Read Week 183: Bluebells.