Content With Tag “Family”

Listing 45 pieces of content with the “Family” Tag.

  1. Week 16: Escape to the Country

    Tootsie looking unimpressed at my cocktail-making skills

    A week of driving in the country, a funeral, some shitty news, and drinking a lot of cocktails. Read Week 16: Escape to the Country.

  2. Week 13: David

    A picture of me and my grandad when I was about 18 months old, we're outside and I'm laughing.

    A week of more bad news, a few silver linings, building factories, and hunting down cinnamon buns. Read Week 13: David.

  3. Week 12: Bad News Comes in Fours

  4. Week 9: Festive Spreadsheet

    A Christmas cake, decorated with heaps of royal icing that looks like snow. Small green trees made from pistachio paste are scattered across the top, with two wooden stags peeking around them

    A week of over-eating, chopping things really small, gripping chess montages, and building hospitals. Read Week 9: Festive Spreadsheet.

  5. Week 8: Cancelled

    Five emoji horses lined up in Slack, waiting to race. Their new more Christmas-themed names are Seasonal Gold, Frosty December, Bethlehem Miracle, Party Star, and Happy Vixen.

    A week of cancelled plans, breakfast champagne, excessive TV, and a warming cascade of green ticks. Read Week 8: Cancelled.