Content With Tag “Cladding”

Listing 5 pieces of content with the “Cladding” Tag.

  1. Week 33: Fire Safety

    A screenshot of the "Responses" section of one of my blog posts, showing social interactions with the post and a form to submit your own mentions of the page.

    A week of house buying progress, new characters, sun and champagne with friends, and a lot of time spent learning how webmentions work. Read Week 33: Fire Safety.

  2. Week 28: Crusty Ears

    A week of fish tacos, simplified communication, very painful ears (thanks Apple), and my rule-breaking family. Read Week 28: Crusty Ears.

  3. Week 26: Five Pizzas

    A week of not working, getting great house news, eating and drinking a lot, and burning 20 hours on a game. Read Week 26: Five Pizzas.

  4. Week 24: Charismatic Hair

    A very messy head of hair

    A week of good cladding news, excellent (and very fancy) fry ups, having too much hair, and an off licence crawl. Read Week 24: Charismatic Hair.

  5. Week 21: Cladding

    A week of boring mortgage calls, thai green curry, rum tasting with strangers, and a food-obsessed cat. Read Week 21: Cladding.